Sunday 18 September 2011

Research and Reference of Visual Artist

Pablo Picasso

He was born on October 25, 1881, Malaga, Spain and died April 8, 1973, Mougins, France. He is Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer and he is one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century and the creator (with George Braque) of Cubism.
The Dance of the Veils, by Pablo Picasso

·         Painted in the spring of 1907
·         Picasso was so taken with the idea of the nude figure draped with revealing fabrics that he    produced a whole series of the work on the subject.
·         The idea of the world’s mystery – that the world can never be known or understood to the full (was characteristic of Spanish visual traditions and central to Picasso’s view of the world.
·         Through this painting he deforming the structure of the human body
·         Picasso recreated it from separate movable surfaces covered with energetic hatching
·         By mixing them, twisting them, he made visible the tense, exciting spinning of the dancer.
·         The character in the painting seems to be listening to some mysterious music.
·         Her closed eyes evidence of her total immersion in its rhythms.
·         Drapery and background too seem to be caught up in the revolving movement.
·         Surfaces intersect one another, break up and shatter.
·         While the black lines which cover them unite space and figure into a single whole.
Personal View
ü  I like the painting techniques that he applied – shading
ü  The painting gives a relaxing image and I like the colour that is applied in this painting.
ü  The painting gives a traditional and historical based image which is valuable and hardly found in recent day’s artworks.

Flower in a Grey Jar, by Pablo Picasso

Contemporary Art
Contemporary art can be defined variously as art produced at this present point in time or art produced since World War II. The definition of the word contemporary would support the first view, but museums of contemporary art commonly define their collections as consisting of art produced since World War II.
Echo Jane
·         Was born on October 9, 1976 in Moscow
·          She was a post-graduate student in the Russian Academy of Science.
·          She was working as a fashion reviewer in a business fashion magazine.
·         She is a free artist – use paint in oil, acrylic, water-colours and china ink.
·         Since 1996 until the present time she have been illustrating books, have been working in different genres using various technical devices.
·         Her favourite’s genres are abstract composition, portrait, landscape, landscape with staffage, a portrait in image.

Havai, by Echo Jane (Contemporary Artist - Impressionism)

For this Havai painting by Echo Jane, the artist;
·         Use line to convey mood – calm and quiet
·         The shape is contained within implied line and is identified because of colour and value change.
·         There is also negative space between the main images. But the negative space is just important as the positive shapes in this painting.
·         This is a two-dimensional painting
·         The painting also has various mixture of colour – applied primary colour (yellow) to the main character in the painting and the artist also use darkness effects to the other part of the painting.
·         There is also emphasis element used in this painting where the artist create the female character in this painting as the dominance or focus point in the artist work.
·         Last but not least, the artist also used movement as part of the design element in this painting.  Once we look at the main image, it leads our eyes to move downwards because the main character or image in the painting is looking down.  
Personal View;
 ü  I like the mood that they convey in this painting which is quiet and calm
ü  The usage of colour in this painting – the colour itself gives meaning to the painting

Indian Girl, by Vinitskaya Larisa (Contemporary Artist - Impressionism)           


Tuesday 13 September 2011


Name : Pavitra Marimuthu
Occupation : Student, pursuing B.Comm at HELP University, Damansara
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Religion: Hindu
Nationality: Malaysian
Interest: Cooking, practising yoga, passion towards learning new make-up techniques
Dreams: Be a successful Public Relation (PR) practitioner and build my own PR firm in the future.
Aspiration: Being a successful fame in Public Relation field in Malaysia and I have strong desire in learning beautician course and being professional make-up artist.